Megan Brown

Medium: Painting
Location: Outside Booth 71

Magan Brown is a 25 year old Alabama based artist from the Birmingham and surrounding areas. She has been interested in art since she could hold a crayon upright, and first thought of professionally pursuing the field in high school while learning at the JCSVA. She is currently in art school at the Milan Art Institute completing their Mastery Program. This is where she will be studying as she develops her professional artists portfolio. Magan’s work aims to encompass the duality of the human consciousness and to create a balanced perspective for healing introspection.

By using contrasting themes to envelop a sense of drama, mysticism, and even whimsicality, this in turn should probe thought towards individuals inner landscape and the similar themes between them. Magan’s work aims to question if the viewer see parts of themselves they have hidden away that are being made aware to them and if they actively want to bring that part of themselves into balance.