Sarah Heck

Medium: Watercolor/Gouache
Location: Outside Booth 90

Sarah paints watercolors two ways. Painting traditionally on paper is accessible and ideal when running around with four active children. Many of her paintings on paper are painted en plein air while taking in the scenery and feeling the atmosphere around her. Works on paper give her the freedom to emmerse herself in different environments. Not to be deterred by convention, Sarah’s second way of painting watercolor is on canvas. After much research and experimentation, she has successfully found how to paint watercolor on large canvases. Sarah prepares the canvas with watercolor ground and then layers watercolor paint with more of the ground resulting in art not quite like any other. Once completed, the painting is made archival by going through an extensive process of sealing with several layers of fixative and varnish. Sarah’s canvas paintings have the transparency of watercolor, the texture commonly found in acrylic paintings, and the beautiful enhancing sheen of varnish.