Virginia Nelson

Medium: Painting
Location: Outside Booth 73

Growing up in Birmingham, Alabama, I was introduced to painting at a young age by my artist mother. My passion for creating was further fueled by art and photography classes I took during my early school years. This creative journey led me to Auburn University, where I earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design. However, my love for painting remained steadfast. In 2020, I made the decision to turn my painting “side hustle” into a full-fledged endeavor by immersing myself in the art world. While I mostly work with acrylics, I love experimenting with different mediums to give my art its own unique flair. I draw inspiration from the beauty of our surroundings, whether it’s the intricate textures and patterns of nature, the fascinating shapes of architecture, or the vivid colors of the changing seasons. Ultimately, my goal is to share moments of joy and peace through my art with those who view it.